Add your club to the Tiny Whoop Club Network Map!!!
Hey guys! Jesse Perkins here!
Thanks for deciding to enter your club into the Tiny Whoop Club Network! This takes just a sec - after just a
little information and some photo uploads we will happily toss your club on the map!!
But Jesse does my Club qualify???
Does your club have 3 or more members that get together somewhat regularly and fly Whoops? (holding races is not required)
Do you have an open door policy? (Would you or someone in your crew be willing to talk to someone new who wants to check it out?)
Do you have a moment to fill this form out and help me promote your club?
Congratulations! If you answered yes to all 3 questions then your club can apply to be in the Tiny Whoop Club Network.
We'll go over your info and reach out to you as soon as we can!
Before you start-
This form can only be filled out once per club, so if you're about to fill it out, then please make sure that you are the
club president or whatever you call your primary club organizer. If you are not the primary contact for your club then
please forward this link to the person that is and ask them to take a minute to fill it out for your club!
They will be able to give admin access to other team members after the club has been established.
OK guys here we go!
There are three sections -Club Info, Contacts and Photos!
-Jesse P
A little general information about you and your club.